If you find an Amborela painting you love, but need it in a different size or color scheme, order a custom painting. Below are tools to guide you through how to order custom wall art at Amborela.

  • Step 1: Choose a Design
  • Step 2: Choose Paint Colors
  • Step 3: Choose a Canvas Size

Browse Amborela’s shop to find a design you love. Or customize one of Amborela’s best selling art designs. Don’t worry if the colors don’t match or the size doesn’t fit your space. Most designs can be made in different colors, and are adaptable to different canvas sizes.

Shop Popular Art to Customize

Most elements of an Amborela painting can be painted or inked in a different color from the color chart. *Any watercolor circles that form the background flowers and tree tops are always white.

Ask for a mock-up of your custom color layout today!

Seeing swatches in person is the only way to ensure the paint colors match in your lighting.  

Request a Color Swatch

Any of the canvas sizes on the Amborela size chart can be used for a custom painting. If you’re not sure which size will fit best, compare canvas sizes in scale to common household furniture.

Ask for a size quote today!

Compare canvas sizes that fit above standard nursery crib, changing table, and dressers.

Compare canvas sizes that fit above living room sofas, bookshelves, and dining tables.

Compare canvas sizes that fit above common bedroom furniture. Includes dressers and twin, full/queen, and king size beds.

Compare canvas sizes that fit above student desk, office desk, and filing cabinet. From huge corporate art to tiny art for cubicle décor.

Questions About Custom Art?

If you found a painting you love, but it’s not the right size or colors, you can customize it!  Choose different colors or a canvas size to create a one of a kind artwork for your home, office, or nursery.

  • It takes 2 weeks to create a custom painting before it ships.
  • Custom art that has not been inscribed is refundable.
  • Swapping paint colors from the color chart is free.

Big sculpted roses are the focal point of this little painting. Customize to match a nursery for a “welcome baby gift”. Option available to add on a baby name inscription.

Amborela’s most popular design to customize is the apple tree in full bloom. It features hand-sculpted apple blossoms on a watercolor style tree top.

Compare canvas sizes that fit above common bedroom furniture. Includes dressers and twin, full/queen, and king size beds.

Compare canvas sizes that fit above student desk, office desk, and filing cabinet. From huge corporate art to tiny art for cubicle décor.

Amborela creates more than the hand-painted canvas art described above. You may have come across Amborela surface patterns. These are the designs printed on fabric and wallpaper. Customizing a surface pattern is different than customizing a canvas painting.

Amborela’s surface patterns at Spoonflower can easily be adjusted in scale or railroaded. You can contact me for a scale or orientation change and I will edit the file at Spoonflower for you before you place your printing order.  If you need a design or color change to a surface pattern, contact me for a quote. Learn more about licensing your custom surface pattern design to use with your own print company.