Wallpaper in Your Everyday
Wallpaper can be the largest form of everyday art in your environment. And if like me you believe art can benefit your everyday experience, then the huge amount of surface area on your walls is filled with potential. Will you craft a space that encourages joy, excitement, calm, activity, concentration…?
When I’m designing a large scale pattern for wallpaper, I am thinking of your everyday experiences with your surroundings. I imagine the energy level of the room the wallpaper will be in, the mood the colors will set, and how adaptable the design is to the changes in a home.
How will you use wallpaper to shape your everyday experience?
Giant floral wallpaper is great for focal walls above furniture you don’t feel comfortable hanging canvas art or frames above. But don’t think all florals are traditional style. Flowers come in geometric, art deco, abstract, and more styles.
Create the look of a tile backsplash with peel and stick wallpaper. Designs by Amborela include square, rectangle, and inlay faux tiles.
Papering a nursery is an investment of time and money. One that I hope will last for decades not a few short years. When I’m designing for a nursery, I imagine if I had to rip it out because it’s too babyish to adapt to a big kid room. If I shudder at the thought, the design never gets published.
Curated Nursery Collections of Art, Soft Furnishings, and Wallpaper by Amborela
Geometric patterns are available in small and large scales. They are great coordinates to use as accents on projects like furniture makeovers.
Learn how to use geo patterns as bookcase backing with Spoonflower.
Stunning art deco designs work well in spaces that need to fill the role of both office and home. The energetic lines are paired with traditional home décor colors so your space can adapt along with your work situation.
High contrast designs or bold colored wallpaper can create a dramatic look in your space. This is great for an entryway or a focal wall.
If your modern farmhouse style room looks good in photos but is feeling stark in your day to day reality, adding some country pattern to a wall or backsplash can bring some personality back into your farmhouse look. I draw flowers, crops, and colors inspired by my surrounding farms, and traditional buffalo checks, country florals, and rose bud patterns.
Create a focal wall with jumbo sized designs on wallpaper. Big designs are available in ornate, minimal, floral, or geometric, and more styles.
Spoonflower offers 4 types of wallpaper, including removable, peel and stick wallpaper. Learn how to hang wallpaper with Spoonflower’s tutorial.